Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Uclas3's first blog

So here's that introductory post. Don't have much to say, other than that I've never really been into evaluating movies or digging into them to discover a deeper meaning. I'm looking into digital animation for live action or animated movies, but I don't think I really need to know all the “behind the scenes” stuff about the story, especially if it’s not obvious. Granted, knowing the story may help me animate it better, but then the writer would tell me everything about it and I wouldn’t have to figure it out myself. I can, if pushed, try to think deeper into the “sub-text” of, for example, the movies we watched in class today, but I find it difficult and don’t do it often, and rarely watch such movies. However, I am willing to give this a shot, and it couldn't hurt to broaden my horizons a tad.
(Note: the picture I chose here is something I made in my 3D Animation class at my last college. It's a 3D model of the Escaflowne, from the show of the same name)


Sleeper said...

Hey Lucas,

Welcome aboard. Don't let all this "deeper thinking" throw off your love for the medium. Stick with it though. Keep in mind your here to make media...and for that you will need to know the behind the scenes stuff.

See you in class.

Caitlynn said...

Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how this "deeper meaning" stuff is going to go, either. Usually I enjoy watching something for the pure entertainment value, and I don't really enjoy pulling it apart to examine it. But, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it turns out! ^_^

By the way, I've never actually seen Escaflowne, but I have heard of it.

kellymlacy said...

Hey, just think of it like this, you just have to do this one part, and then you can move on; its part of the major, and everyone, whether they want to or not, will have to do it. And I do agree with you, I'm not into the subtext of things, "what did that really mean?" and stuff like that.